Classical Guitar Studies | Dallas Baptist University
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I study the guitar at Dallas Baptist University to pursue a career in classical guitar?
Yes, students interested in pursuing a career in classical guitar at DBU have the opportunity to earn a Bachelor of Musical Arts degree (B.M.A.). Students will study on the performance track (lower division & upper division) during their Undergraduate music degree studies and complete the senior performance project (senior recital). This will prepare performance majors to continue performance studies in guitar at the Graduate level.
2. Will I be able to audition for Graduate studies in performance after the completion of my Undergraduate music degree at DBU?
Yes, by successfully completing the Bachelor of Musical Arts degree (B.M.A.), students will have the credentials necessary to audition and pursue Graduate level studies in performance.
3. Are music scholarships available for music majors?
Yes, numerous music scholarships are available. Qualifications are established primarily on the basis of performing ability and academic record, and are awarded by audition or competition. For more information regarding music scholarships, please contact the College of Fine Arts office at 214-333-5316
4. How does the performance track work in preparing a student for the senior recital?
The performance track works on two levels, the Lower Division and the Upper Division. Each level normally takes two years to complete. The Lower Division consists of the first two years of study, after which the student must pass a performance exam (proficiency exam) before acceptance and continuing to the Upper Division level of study. However, some students will be required to study at the Lower Division for more than two years before qualifying for admission to the Upper Division level of applied study. Upper Division applied students will study in performance preparation for the senior performance project (senior recital) to be performed at the completion of the second year of Upper Division applied study.
5. Is an audition required for acceptance in performance to begin studying on the performance track?
Yes, an audition will display the students technical abilities and the level of performance repertoire. However, if a student lacks pre-college training on the classical guitar, they can still enroll at DBU as a music major and study the fundamentals of classical guitar technique in order to qualify for acceptance (by audition) into the lower division of applied study.
6. Does the guitar program at DBU accept transfer students from a two-year community college or another university?
Yes, the music department at DBU welcomes transfer students from both community colleges and other universities. Many students in the guitar program and the music program in general transfer to DBU after studying at another college or university. Transfer students who have had two or more years of classical guitar study will need to give an entrance audition to evaluate the level of performance for Upper Division study. However, if a student is interested in performance studies in guitar at DBU and has not studied the classical guitar at another college, university, or in private lesson study, these talented and motivated students are welcome to begin classical guitar studies at DBU and work towards an audition for acceptance into Lower Division performance studies.
7. Can I study the classical guitar at DBU if I am not interested in pursuing a career in guitar performance?
Yes, both music majors (Theory-Composition, Music Education, Music Business, Piano or Vocal Performance) and non-music majors are welcome to study the classical guitar at DBU. Students may study the classical guitar for either 1 or 2 hours of applied credit or elective credit each semester. These students will study the same materials as guitar performance majors, but will not be expected to cover as much material.
8. Is a Guitar Ensemble course available at DBU?
Yes, the DBU guitar program has a Guitar Ensemble for performance majors and non-performance majors. The guitar ensemble performs music representing various periods in music history. These periods include the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th, and 21st centuries. Ensembles are arranged as duets, trios, and quartets. The ensemble performs at the University, as well as the surrounding Dallas community. Enrollment in the ensemble is a requirement for guitar performance majors and non-performance students are welcome to enroll after a successful audition has been completed. Non-performance students are required to demonstrate the ability to read music on the guitar in the first position, as well as utilizing the fundamentals of classical guitar technique to participate in the ensemble.
9. Does DBU offer a Class Guitar course?
Yes, the Class Guitar course is open to all students, both music majors and non-music majors. There is no audition required and beginning students are welcome and encouraged to enroll. The class guitar course is designed for beginning guitar students and students who have a desire to learn the basics of classical guitar technique. The topics covered in the course include: proper sitting with the guitar, the basics of right and left hand technique, and how to read music on the guitar. This course is designed to develop the basics of classical guitar skills needed to begin private lesson study and to fulfill proficiency requirements on the instrument.
10. Will I need to have a nylon-string classical guitar for the Class Guitar course?
Yes. A classical nylon-string guitar is needed for the class. However, if this class is your first experience playing the classical guitar and you already have a steel-string acoustic guitar, you will want to change the strings to nylon strings since this will be more appropriate for the class.